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We offer a range of packages to suit every bride & groom.
Sample packages include:

Wedding Collage 


The popular package, this is a 15-20 minute video collage of your entire wedding day. This video takes the highlights of the entire day, from getting ready, to the final toast. This captures all of the moments you will want to relive of your wedding day.   






Wedding Collage includes:

-Six hours of shooting from professional experienced wedding videographers.

-Two DSLR high definition video cameras, with a collapsable eight foot camera crane.

-Edited down to a 15-20 min. piece with special effects, transitions, and text throughtout it all.

-Four DVD's of the Wedding, and any extra DVD's can be purchesed at $10 per extra

-Prize $1500 all is included

Full Wedding
This is the full wedding package, it inclueds the 15-20 collage of the wedding day as well as many extra bonus featurs, such as.
Full Ceromony footage
Full First Dances 
Full Toasts
The Wedding collage will include these things just not in full unedited duration.
Full Wedding includes:

-Six hours of shooting from professional experienced wedding videographers.

-Four high definition video cameras, with a collapsable eight foot camera crane.

-Edited down to a 15-20 min. piece with special effects, transitions, and text throughtout it all.

-Bonus features section, with minior edits.

-Six DVD's of the Wedding, and any extra DVD's can be purchesed at $10 per extra

-Prize: $2000 all is included




Engagement video


The Engagement video is becoming a popular trend for newly enaged couples that are plaining their wedding. This video is shot and edited before the actually wedding day, and is often shown at the reception of the wedding. This video is often taken as an opportunity for the couple to share their loves of their better halfs and to tell their couple stories. These videos can be serious and emotional or corky and fun, depending on the couple and what they want to show to their guest regarding their unique relationship.




Engagments video includes:

-Two hours of shooting, any locations, multiple locations.

-Two professional videographers, both with DSLR high definition cameras, and a eight foot camera crane.

- Five- Ten minute final video to be shown during recption, or just to be added to your video scrapbook of your couple.

- Price $500 all is included     

Contact us​ ​​ for a free quote & to discuss covering your wedding or celebration! We are up for anything!

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